I Love My Pit Bulls - a personal site about my wonderful dogs.


Pros & Cons
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Pros and Cons of Pit Bull Ownership


  •      If you want a dog you can take to a dog park and let run free, and play with the other dogs, then the A.P.B.T. is not for you. This breed requires strict supervision around other animals.
  •      If you want a dog that requires little discipline and allows you to just sit back and enjoy, then the A.P.B.T. is not for you. The A.P.B.T. requires firm discipline, obedience school and someone who knows how to train dogs - a "bully breed" dog will walk all over a weak master.
  •      If you want a dog that requires little attention and prefers just sitting around or sleeping, then the A.P.B.T. is not for you. This breed requires moderate exercise, say 30-40 minutes a day, four or five times a week. This makes for a healthy, happy, less destructive dog.


  •      If you want a dog that enjoys people, is sociable and loves children, the A.P.B.T. might be the dog for you. This is a dog that was bred, in part, for non-aggression toward humans, and is in fact a capable, loyal breed in a family setting.
  •      If you want an athletic dog because you love to swim, jog, bike, etc., the A.P.B.T. might be the dog for you. This breed is energetic and loves exercise, and will enjoy a daily exercise routine with you.
  •      If you want a dog who's a clown at heart, with a big grin and real charm, the A.P.B.T. might be the dog for you. The A.P.B.T. is a fun-loving, active dog who is the perennial puppy, always looking for play-time and some rompish fun.

Petey     The American Pit Bull Terrier is not for everyone. The breed requires a specific type of person, who's willing to deal with all aspects of the breed and is also willing to be an ambassador for the breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the most maligned breed in history; the public tends to forget how loved and adored this breed once was, instead falling in line with media hype and common misconception.Nipper

     Let's take a look at "Petey" from the Little Rascals, The RCA dog "Nipper", Buster Brown's dog "Tipe" (the first talking animal in American comics), and Sgt. Stubby, war hero of WWI. And the list goes on.

     The public has been misled concerning the true nature of the American Pit Bull Terrier. "Breed Specific Legislation" (B.S.L.) is very real, and threatens to restrict Pit Bull breeders from continuing this fine breed in most municipalities across the US. The populous in general will also be affected by B.S.L. because it can prevent you from owning your beloved bull breed in almost any area in the US . The banning of this breed is becoming much more prevalent, and this is why it's so important to be a responsible bully-breed owner.



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